Donation Disclaimer

Albanian Knights greatly appreciates your generosity and support for our mission. We would like to inform you that all donations made to our organization are subject to the following disclaimer:


1. **Tax Deductibility**: Albanian Knights is a registered non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We recommend consulting with a tax professional for specific guidance regarding your donation’s tax implications.


2. **Use of Funds**: Your donation will be used to support the charitable activities and programs of Albanian Knights. We are committed to allocating funds efficiently and responsibly towards achieving our mission. However, we reserve the right to allocate donations to different programs and initiatives as needed to fulfill our objectives.


3. **Non-Refundable**: Donations to Albanian Knights are non-refundable. Once you have made a donation, it cannot be reversed or refunded. Please ensure the accuracy of your donation amount and payment information before finalizing your contribution.


4. **Privacy**: We respect your privacy and do not share your personal information with third parties. Your personal and financial information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with our privacy policy.


5. **Receipts**: For all donations, Albanian Knights will issue a receipt for tax purposes, provided we have your accurate contact information. Please retain this receipt for your records.


6. **Questions**: If you have any questions or concerns regarding your donation, our organization, or any other related matters, please feel free to contact us [email protected] or visit our website at


By making a donation to Albanian Knights you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. We thank you for your support and commitment to our cause.


Albanian Knights

24 Sherman Street

Wayne NJ 07470

[email protected]